Seena Murukan Clinches Best Fitness Coach in Kollam 2023

Seena Murukan

Fitness Coach


Super Woman 2023
Award Ceremony
Best Fitness Coach in Kollam

In an awe-inspiring moment of triumph, Seena Murukan was presented with the prestigious Super Woman Award 2023 in Season-4, a pinnacle accolade presented by Forever Star India Awards. Originating from the enchanting city of Kollam in the vibrant state of Kerala, Seena not only secured her esteemed position as the Best Fitness Coach in Kollam but has also emerged as a commanding figure in the realms of fitness and social activism.

Organized by CEO Rajesh Agarwal, renowned as Astro Raj, and orchestrated by show director Jaya Chauhan, the Super Woman Award 2023 recognition night was magical. The Marriott Hotel transformed into a glamorous stage, highlighting the talents and confidence of women from various states.

Famous Bollywood celebrity and Fitness Icon Malaika Arora presented the award to our winner and respected graced the occasion as special guests, and other senior army delegates were present there, infusing the night with a touch of starry magic. Among the other special guests were the winners from Forever's Miss India, Mrs. India, and Miss Teen India, turning the night into a jubilant celebration.

With a distinguished career spanning over eight years, Seena Murukan stands as a paragon of fitness excellence. Not only does she proudly own a fitness establishment, but she also holds the esteemed title of Executive Member within the Body Building Association of Kerala. Her dedication to the fitness industry has not only earned her recognition as a Judging Member but also as an esteemed Executive in the Association's women's division.


Tags Super Woman Awards 2023 Forever Star India Awards Awards 2023 Fitness Fitness Coach Kollam